A Scientific Religion - V Raghunathan

A Scientific Religion - V Raghunathan

1.      Marrying  Religion with Scientific temper
Need :
Religion – based on faith – rock to which humans cling to in times of stress – holds sway on the majority of population – politicians use this religious card to play to their tunes – hence we need to see to it that our religious beliefs should be scientifically tempered
There is a link between religion and science – science helps us to understand the universe – similarly religion helps us to understand the philosophy of life in the universe  – so religion evolves as our understanding of the universe grows. 

2.      Scientific Temper in Everyday life
Points – what is scientific temper – one should have the mindset to bring a scieintific method of thinking in all aspects of life
How do we develop this – examples – given in the text – page 40 para 2 and 3

3.      How do we develop a scientific temper?
Through education – a) start with our education system education should promote scientific temper and critical thinking  - using everyday science to answer everyday problems b) Teachers need to teach how to question – teach students how to find answers to these questions – examples – Ganesha sipping milk – effluent water becoming sweet – why? find answers to these through science- everything must be questioned and nothing accepted without questioning c) choose texts that teach rationality d) education must protect old people and women alike  - object to witch hunting and exorcism e) education should distinguish between history, mythology and religion – retelling the epics should not cause a riot – not be turned a political case  f) the educated among us must be aware of the need for scientific temper  g)  Media  should be enlightening and educative and not sensational  i) introduce the broad tenets of all religions in the education system – expose the child to all of them – idea of secularism to be inculcated in the mind of the young – perhaps a child should be allowed to choose his/her religion at the age of 18 or 21 making religion an informed choice (the above point itself can be debated on)  j) Enlightened religion must be disassociated from all kinds of dogma, superstition, myth and meaningless ritual – religious leaders should bring scientific temper among the people – avoid non-scientific practices of invoking God for rains, launch of missile etc

Convergence of Religions
All religions have some basic innate truths – but this has not cut across all religions and formed a unifying theology of humans
Science has cut across barriers – religion has not. – if there is convergence of religions, it can result in an improved spiritual life and thinking of mankind.
There is a need for the 21st century citizen to think beyond narrowly defined religious beliefs, faiths and practices – Most of the international disputes today are based on religious –hate – religions have not found a common theme to work together  for the greater good of humanity – through assimilation of a scientific temper

The Responsibility of Ushering in Scientific Temper
Nature of Science – constant questioning its hypothesis – reject the wrong and accept the right through objective, reliable and scientific methods to understand the Universe better – can’t the same openness to questioning the assumptions and assertions be emulated in religion t create a more scientifically tempered society? Why can’t logical and analytical methods be applied to aspects of religion to render more clarity? Should be possible with Hinduism with its all encompassing nature - Our caste system – a strong example – shouldn’t we question this aspect of our religion and use the genetic knowledge to do away with the caste system?
The hypothesis of rebirth, multiple lives and the immortality of the soul to justify our misfortunes, heaping injustice on another fellow human beings (honour killing, treatment of widows) opposing inter-religious, inter –caste marriages – can’t all these be approached with a scientific temper?

A More Evolved Religion

What would be a more evolved religion like?

1.      Faith – the foundation of all religions- in times of extreme stress, we fall back upon our faith in God – forgetting that God will help only those who help themselves – become fatalistic – the universal religion would repose 100% faith in human efforts  - not passive and fatalistic faith
2.      Such an evolved religion would be based on the realization that we are born with certain god-given potential, it is up to us to use that potential
3.      Third feature – logical reasoning, systematic deduction  and continuous learning by observing the Universe and the cause –effect phenomena
4.      No resorting to ‘god of the gaps’ – the working of God can be seen in all things that science cannot explain. – no room in the religion to explain random events as godly interventions – the religion will recognize, as science does, that at any point in time, there could be questions but no answers. Or are unanswerable. – but the mind would be open and continue its search for answers to such questions (Examples – text page 45 and 47)  - No belief in the karma theory
5.      No belief about punishments in the hereafter for transgression committed in this life – religion and civic education to be interwoven so that behavior maximizes the benefit for mankind – education in ethics – not based on arbitrary precepts but on logically reasoned conduct in the best interests of the society.

6.      The universal religion may provide for meditation on the ‘almighty’ with 2 conditions a) Answer to Einstein’s question and the quotation (Page 47, 48)

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