Love at First Sight – Wislawa Symborska

Love at First Sight – Wislawa Symborska

Opinion 1-

First of all let us come to the first and foremost most obvious question - What is Love?

Love is an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. The first thing that comes to mind when we think of Love is the typical fairytale type love stories that we grew up watching such as Cinderella and Snow White, etc. It is something that is known to give butterflies to the stomach and result in every love song lyrics to finally make sense.

However, the concept of Love at first sight doesn't make much sense to me. I believe in Love and I also do hope that one day I would be lucky enough to experience such an emotion but love at first sight seems very unrealistic to me. In relation to soulmates, I believe Love to be such a powerful and everlasting emotion that takes time to develop. I believe attraction at first sight is often mistaken for love at first sight. There are many times where we meet someone and have a sudden attraction for their looks but that isn't love; love is something much deeper and selfless. Love involves the appreciation of another person both inside and out.

Opinion 2-

I believe in love at first sight but I will always believe that the people whom we love are the ones whom we  have loved before. Many, many, many times before and when we stumble through grace and circumstance and that brilliant illusion of choice to finally meet them again, we feel it faster each time through. The one glance that set life a light is two sets of two eyes staring through the layers of lifetimes and stolen glances.
Somehow or the other everyone gets to experience this beautiful feeling once in life where their mind surrenders and the heart establishes its dominance.
And that one sight has some connection from the past may it be past lives or anything  which just intrigues the person to go absolutely blank.
And while researching on this text I got to know about people who met at airport for mere fraction of seconds and have been together for even 40 long years.
Because, ‘ There are touches , several many touches in life , but then there is that one touch in all our lives which remains indelibly
printed in our heart.’
For me personally LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT is an emotion which is yet to be experienced.
but of all what I read and heard this is an amazing feeling which everyone once in life should go through.
There is no moment that exceeds in beauty that moment when one looks at a woman and finds that she is looking at you in the same way that you are looking at her.
Your persona floats toward her persona, over the Sea of Hesitation and when the two Lovers meet the story gets complete.

Opinion 3-

According to me, there is nothing known as Love at first sight. It's an infatuation. Girls and guys of this age date only for style or because all their friends are dating or also because it's in trend. 80% of couples dating at this age are not ever lasting and when there is a failure, they go into drugs, drinking, etc. Why take all this when you actually don't deserve it? We all deserve a healthy life. Falling in love and having a failure in it and harming yourself is what we don't deserve. We all deserve something better. Falling in love is not wrong but falling in love with a wrong person would trouble us and cause a lot of problems. Love at first sight aggravates such uncertainty. Date someone who cares for you and who will never allow you to shed a tear.

But at the end of the day, there is nothing known as love at this age, it's all just infatuation.

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