Childhood – Ismat Chugtai

Childhood – Ismat Chugtai

Opinion 1-

Turning gold into lead
Childhood plays not just a vital but a prolonged role in once's life.Its the one thing that is solely yours.A child's innocence is the purest and that innocence is what i look for everyday  Contrary to common belief personalities aren't inherited but developed as a result of the experiences we face in life. What we are is not just a mixture of the talents and traits one possess but its also the experiences one goes through.
While reading the text "childhood" i couldn't help but wonder about what would happen to the girl when she grows up. Would she be be able to trust anyone? Would she behave indifferently with the men around her ? Would the trauma she faced as a child lead into insecurities and depression? Would she consider inferior to the other gender? i sure hope it doesn't but in most cases it is true.Children are like gold hen they are born.If treated badly they would turn into lead. 
Their was a study made and it was found that many of the depressed and mentally-ill people have had a traumatic childhood.I was astounded to learn that the top causes of death and disease in adults very often have their basis in exposure to adverse experiences in childhood.The psychopaths and sociopaths are the way they are because of hostile conditions while growing up. Most antisocial behaviors in children are caused by poor parenting—absent fathers and inadequate mothers who fail to properly socialize their child. Perhaps the child frustrates them or perhaps their parenting skills are subnormal.
Hence childhood is not just a bitter-sweet experience but a very important aspect while build and decides a person's future. Although ive personally have had some very bad experiences while growing up which will stay with me for a long time, I'm glad they are not bad enough to disrupt my present.
One important lesson that i have definitely learned from the context of "childhood" is that what happens to a kid stays with him for a long time,be it good or bad and if i ever become a mother id always want to keep this in mind

Opinion 2-

Childhood is one of the best parts of our life. 99% of people want their Childhood days back. I would like to start by a funny quote about childhood, "CHILDHOOD IS LIKE BEING DRUNK; EVERYONE REMEMBERS WHAT YOU DO EXCEPT YOU”.  Almost every person is interested to here the naughty and crazy things they have done while they were younger  from their mother.
And I still miss when I would sleep on the couch and wake up in bed. Childhood is when we start learning most of our basic lessons about life. Some of the funny  childhood things I remember doing when i was younger are, "using my ruler as a sword, trying to balance  inbetween up and down, using my bed as a trampoline, hiding in the cupboard when Amma comes to beat me. Childhood is the most innocent stage of our life. I really miss the childhood days when I didn't care about the way I dressed,when I had good grades,when I was crazy,when I never turned to the dark side.
Yes childhood is the best part of our lives.

Opinion 3-

Childhood was a time filled with fun and frolic. I had a beautiful childhood and given a chance would definitely want to return back in time and relive those moments. My childhood was all about playing games both indoor and outdoor. I used to invent new and weird games just for fun. I used to study less and play more. I was captain of my team and used to challenge teams of other localities. My  favourite  sport in childhood was cricket. My father used to scold me for breaking the windows of houses. There were numerous pranks which I did in my childhood days which include pressing the calling bell of neighbours and running away,  harassing old people and imitating the way they walked. I enjoyed a lot in my childhood days . But at the same time it was a period filled with insecurities, for instance, the feeling that your parents loved and cared about your brother more than you. But I made friends who proved to be more than brothers and who are still there for me. But these insecurities ended when I grew up.
The term childhood is non-specific and can imply a varying range of years in human development. Developmentally and biologically, it refers to the period between infancy and adulthood. In common terms, childhood is considered to start from birth. Some consider that childhood, as a concept of play and innocence, ends at adolescence. In the legal systems of many countries, there is an age of majority when childhood officially ends and a person legally becomes an adult.

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